Holbrook Sportsmen's Club


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Massachusetts Legislature Publishes New Proposed Gun Bill

Please contact all 6 of the conference committee members to oppose S.4139 Your previous calls and email worked. This is no time to back off Call (preferred) or email today. Your message should be simple, direct and to the point. Something loke I'm asking you to oppose both versions of H. 4139 in there entirely. This Bill was developed in a Flawed, one-sided process this is no way to Legislate.

Cynthia.Creem@masenate.gov (617) 722-1639

Joan.Lovely@masenate.gov (617) 772-1410

Bruce.Tarr@masenate.gov (617)772-1600

Michael.Day@mahouse.gov (617) 722-2396

Carlos.Gonzalez@mahouse.gov (617) 722-2230

joseph.mckenna@mahouse.gov (617) 722-2810

Updated lawn signs opposing H. 4139 are available for the final push. Please get one. http://www.massconservationalliance.org/signs---h4139.html 

“The Lawful Citizens Imprisonment Act”

On June 28, 2023 the Massachusetts Legislature, through Chairman Day, has released their new proposed gun legislation. This bill was supposedly the results of the so-called listening tour. Apparently, no one was listening, because everyone who attended said lawful gun were not the problem. This proposal does not represent that premise at all! In just a cursory review of the proposal it is obvious that it represents a full-scale attack on the Second Amendment in the Commonwealth.

The gun laws are already so convoluted and complex that it is extremely difficult for the average citizen to comply with them. The newly proposed language will add a finality to that as it will now be virtually impossible. There will be no way to exercise our 2A civil rights in Massachusetts without risking arrest and prosecution.

GOAL's Resource Page on HD.4420 Updated July 6, 2023

Legislation language: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD4420

The 193rd General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Bill HD.4420 An Act modernizing firearm laws

Help Us Support Your Civil Rights By Taking Action. Join Goal by clicking on the link.

Joan.Lovely@masenate.gov Bruce.Tarr@masenate.gov Michael.Day@mahouse.gov Carlos.Gonzalez@mahouse.gov joseph.mckenna@mahouse.gov http://www.massconservationalliance.org/signs---h4139.html
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